Local Solar Broker

Maximum Savings With Solar Batteries

A home battery stores the clean energy you produce today to keep your lights on and your electric bills low tomorrow, the following day, and into what’s to come. Batteries require practically zero support and may make you eligible for utility company, as well as state, or government tax credits and rebates.

Peak Rates No concerns

Were you aware that most utility companies jack up their rates during peak hours? Now you can relax and not concern yourself with these greedy policies as your batteries will have you covered.

Back Up Power

No need to panic when you can’t find your flash lights. So no need for candles, resetting your WiFi, clocks, appliances and everything else. Worse yet is wasting expensive food items or throwing out food when brownouts or power outages hit your area. Your solar battery can power your home without needing the utility companies electricity.

Increase the Effectiveness of Your Solar System

Batteries are an easy solution to being energy independent. Going green and clean with batteries eliminates the need for dirty coal and fossil fuels. Sun Power is here!

The Happiest Customers on Earth


Edgar G.

Martinez, CA

Localsolarbroker allowed me to find more local installers that gave me more competitive bids. Through the whole process, we probably saved $3,000 to $5,000.


Edgar G.

Martinez, CA

Localsolarbroker allowed me to find more local installers that gave me more competitive bids. Through the whole process, we probably saved $3,000 to $5,000.


Edgar G.

Martinez, CA

Localsolarbroker allowed me to find more local installers that gave me more competitive bids. Through the whole process, we probably saved $3,000 to $5,000.