Local Solar Broker

Save Up To 70% On Your Energy Bill Nationwide

Pay $0 out of pocket and go solar for as low as $49/month

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To qualify for the free eligibility review, you must meet 3 requirements. Please answer the questions truthfully.

Residential Solar

Cut down on your energy bill. Or wipe it out completely. Generate your own power and have the energy company pay YOU for the extra. Give your family the gift of energy independence.

  • Reduces electric bills by 30-70%
  • Increases your home value by 4.4%

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commercial Solar

Lower overhead and free up more revenue. Save 26% on installation costs with the solar tax credit. Protect your business against utility demand charges. Choose from a number of flexible purchase and lease options.

  • Reduces electric bills by 30-70%
  • Provides a savings of $25k – $100k on average over 25 years

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backup batteries

Keep your family in comfort during power outages and rolling blackouts. Stay off-grid even through the night and rainy days. Avoid the stress of annual rate hikes. Relax and know that you own your home’s power.

  • Grid down? 100% power will come from solar energy
  • No wasted energy

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11+ years of experience & over 100k given back to the community

Reduce budget, water use, and energy loss with technology innovation. Solar is not only the right decision for the planet, it’s also the right decision for your wallet. For qualifying homeowners, we offer zero-out-of-pocket financing where your payments will be less than your current average bill.

Call Now (702) 468-4189

The Happiest Customers on Earth

The Happiest Customers on Earth

We Give Back to the Community

We Give Back to the Community

We can help charities raise money by alerting your members that if they plan to go solar then Localsolarbroker will provide a free savings report. If your members decide to go solar we will donate up to $5000 in your name.

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Titan Solar is our main solar partner across 17 states and THE #1 largest solar installer in the US. So there’s no need to worry about hidden fees, lengthy installs, shoddy installations, poor customer service, or anyone going out of business.

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Saves You Money

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